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Tohla Flappy game for strangers

Tohla has just launched their first HTML 5 game - a thrilling twist on the classic Flappy Bird.

Tohla Flappy

The game is just as fun and challenging as the original game, but with a unique twist. Instead of a bird, you'll get to choose from a variety of characters, including Deadpool and Pumpkin. Unlike other games, there's no need to download the game - it's web-based and runs in any browser.

The game is easy to play and provides plenty of entertainment. As you move your character through the obstacles, you'll have to time your moves carefully to avoid crashing. You'll be rewarded with points as you make it through each level.

The game is also visually appealing, so you can really get immersed in the experience. You'll have to have quick reactions and excellent timing to make it through all the levels.

If you're up for a challenge, Tohla's HTML 5 games are great way to get your gaming fix. Try your hand at it today and see how far you can get!